Hey everyone,
What a wild ride! This week my companion Elder Rojas went home, he
left Saturday and now my companion is Elder Erekson. How strange I was
just getting used to my new one and then he gets switched in the
middle of the transfer. So I'm done with the car for now and it's back
to bikes. Before the mission president picked him up we all got to do
a priesthood blessing with him. Then our mission president said "I
usually give the blessing but when you come back from recovery, I
won't be here (the mission president is leaving in 2 months) but these
missionaries will be to welcome you back". Way powerful.
This week was pretty OK. There was a baptism and birthday party
of a little girl in the ward. It was fun. We got to see Marco twice,
he read his scriptures and when he told us what he read, I was blown
away, he had gotten so much of it without help. When he asked us what
we were going to teach him I almost wanted to say we got nothing else
let's say the closing prayer. He is so ready for baptism, especially
after 1 year of meeting with missionaries, his baptism date is May
28th but if he can get his work schedule change, we may commit him to
an earlier date.
This morning all the Spanish elders of my zone had a special
conference with President. Pretty much he told all of us to repent in
a loving way. What really got me is when he said "If you guys think
this is too hard than we move you to English program". Not I'm not
saying that any language is better than another, to be honest Spanish
speaking mission in Chicago would have probably been my last choice
for a mission but this is MY mission that the Lord has choose for me,
MY challenges to face, and MY miracles to be had. At that moment
moving to other mission seemed to be the worst thing ever. If I was in
the English program and if he had said "If English program is too hard
for you, you can choose to go Spanish", I wouldn't want to change, I
would never want to choose something different than the Lord's way
because what way is better than the Lord's way?
In the end, that was the point I wanted to make, the best way is
the Lord's way. That was my week. I hope yours was awesome.
Love, Elder Agre
I found this magazine in a hair salon. Other missionaries said he looks just like me and I don't mind looking like Chris Rock. |
My last photos with Elder Rojas. |
My new companion is on my left. |
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