Jan 25, 2016
Hi everyone,
I hope everyone had a good week this week. It sounds like everyone in
Virginia got a blizzard which is strange but it has gotten super warm
here. Though to be fair, right now anything from 15 to 30 degrees I
consider to be warm.
One of the members here that we visit weekly gave me 3 Chicago Cubs
molds which he made himself. He's really talented, for my companion he
made this beautiful vase with such detail. We had a worldwide
missionary training which was incredible, if I could summarize the
meeting in one phrase it would be the one they kept saying "We teach
repentance and baptize converts". What it means to me is that our job
is to teach the strait and narrow and we bring people to the waters of
baptism who have decided for themselves that they want to continue on
the path.
On Thursday we had dinner and a meeting at the Ward mission leader's
home and it just so happens that they just had puppies. So all the
missionaries were either eating, turning in their report or playing
with puppies.
The last thing I want to talk about is my first talk here. My first
Spanish talk was 5 minutes in the CCM which was a struggle because I
had little knowledge of the Spanish grammar and my French accent kept
popping up. This talk had to be 15 minutes long and I had only 3 days
to prepare and I could only work on it during my free time which
wasn't much or as part of language study and personal study. I did my
best to prepare (at the time I was on exchanges so my temporary was a
native Spanish speaker which was a huge help) and prayed that would
have the support of the Spirit. The time of the talk came and I
decided I like giving talks in Spanish because in English I would know
every time I'd messed up in speaking but in Spanish I'd have no idea
when I messed up so I just kept talking and smiling. Afterwards people
came up to me and told me that my Spanish was amazing and has improved
so much and they really enjoyed my talk. One even said that hearing me
talk was a testimony to him of the gift of tongues. Some of the
missionaries said that the Spirit was strong and one even wanted a
copy of my talk. I have to give credit to that the prayer of support
and of course the Spirit, because it was the Spirit that turned my
good talk to a great one. All the work I put into that talk was
definitely worth it in the end.
Hard to believe that the next time I email will be in February, it
feels like I had just celebrated New Years. I hope everyone enjoys
this last week of January 2016,
Best wishes, Elder Agre
Hard to believe that the next time I email will be in February, it
feels like I had just celebrated New Years. I hope everyone enjoys
this last week of January 2016,
Best wishes, Elder Agre
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