Dear Everyone,
This week was pretty awesome to say the least. Well first we decided
to make cookies for Maria and her family (the family whose baby died)
and visit to them. Long story short, we went by without cookies and I
have been having half burnt cookies all week. But it gets better I
We stopped by and she lets us in, what a change, everyone was so
happy, everyone was smiling and super welcoming to us. Then even asked
us why we haven't been coming over and asked if we were busy. I
couldn't believe my ears, Maria wanted us to come over another time
with all the family and she has been reading the pamphlets. How
incredible, I'm beyond excited for them. We actually ended up there
too long and late for another appointment with Emily Deleon but it was
all good. We actually had the appointment at the house of members, the
Quevedos, whose the family of Jessica, Emily's friend. Then we had
Karla come over too, the member whose sister's cancer cells
disappeared and she shared her testimony and in the end, we had to
leave because we were late for another appointment but everyone stayed
behind and talked a little bit more, now that's awesome.
Then we had a fireside and in which our brand new mission
president, his wife, and son spoke at. While waiting for the event to
start, the missionaries were conversing with the members. The sisters
were playing with the kids and the elders were talking with members
and then the worst thing ever happened. The sisters started talking to
the members and then the elders started playing with the kids. I got
destroyed by the little kids, at one point they gagged and choked me
with my tie. At the end of it, some were concerned for my well-being
but the fireside started and I was given a moment of rest and got to
participate in an incredible fireside. The son, Cameron, just got back
from his Spanish speaking mission 3 weeks ago so he was the more
fluent out of the three . Sister Bingham just started learning Spanish
so she just gave her testimony but it was short, simple, and sweet.
The President Bingham, who is turning out to be a way chill guy, gave
his talk. He served in Brazil so he knew Portuguese and he was
learning how to convert that into Spanish but he spoke up there like
he has been speaking to a Spanish all of his life, he spoke in great
Spanish, a little Portuguese with a dash of English. Everyone loved
him and had such a good time.
This week we will hopefully get back with Maria and have even
more miracles. I hope your week and July 4th was great.
Love, Elder Agre
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I'm sure everyone was confused when I commented last week that my picture was too small and then I resent the same exact picture, hopefully this one should come out clearer.
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Also we are waiting for some other elders and our laundry so I got bored and took a picture of me in this cowboy hat.